
These are data sets that I and my various coauthors have produced, also accessible through the Harvard Dataverse.

“Interstate Alliances, 1985-1992” [pdf]

This is not a machine-readable data set, but rather a document that describes changes in alliances from 1985-1992. It is meant to be used as a tool for updating the Correlates of War alliances data set, which codes alliances from 1816-1984.

Dan Reiter, Allan C. Stam, and Michael C. Horowitz, “A Revised Look At Interstate Wars, 1816-2007,” Journal of Conflict Resolution (forthcoming) [EXCEL data set] [README file]

Simon Mettler and Dan Reiter, “Ballistic Missiles and International Conflict,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 57 (October 2013): 854-880. [Zipped data files]

Dan Reiter and Allan C. Stam, “Correspondence: Another Skirmish in the Battle over Democracies and War,” International Security 34 (Fall 2009): 194-204. [STATA data set] [README file]

Nigel Lo, Dan Reiter, and Barry Hashimoto, “Ensuring Peace: Foreign-Imposed Regime Change and Postwar Peace Duration, 1914–2001,” International Organization 62 (Fall 2008): 717-36. [STATA data set] [README file] [Codebook]

Replication Data for Dan Reiter and Allan C. Stam, “Identifying the Culprit: Democracy, Dictatorship, and Dispute Initiation,” American Political Science Review 97 (May 2003): 333-337.

Replication Data for Dan Reiter and Erik R. Tillman, “Public, Legislative, and Executive Constraints on the Democratic Initiation of Conflict,” Journal of Politics 64 (August 2002): 810-826.

Replication Data for Michael Horowitz and Dan Reiter, “When Does Aerial Bombing Work? Quantitative Empirical Tests, 1917-1999,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 45 (April 2001): 147-173.

Replication Data for Dan Reiter, “Does Peace Nurture Democracy?” Journal of Politics 63 (August 2001): 935-948.

Replication Data for Dan Reiter and Curtis Meek, “Determinants of Military Strategy, 1903-1994: A Quantitative Empirical Test,” International Studies Quarterly 43 (June 1999): 363-387.

Replication Data for Dan Reiter, “Military Strategy and the Outbreak of International Conflict: Quantitative Empirical Tests, 1903-1992,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 43 (June 1999): 366-387.

Replication Data for Dan Reiter & Allan Stam, “Democracy, War Initiation, and Victory,” American Political Science Review 92 (April 1998): 377-389.

Interstate War Data, co-created with Allan C. Stam and Michael C. Horowitz

[Version 1.0 in EXCEL], described in our 2016 Journal of Conflict Resolution article

[Codebook for version 1.0]

[Version 1.1 in EXCEL], described in our 2016 Research & Politics article

[Codebook for version 1.1]